Purchasing: The listed prices include shipping and all indicated customizations.
SECURE PAYMENTS AND INFORMATION WITH PAYPAL. Payment information for your purchases is handled by PayPal and its secure payment gateway. Your payments will be processed under Never Plateau's name, the parent of Griplar.com.
MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Not satisfied, submit purchase email address for a full refund and keep the shirt. CLICK HERE
Sizing: When choosing your shirt size, it should be a size that fits at maximum comfortable snug. Tight is ideal but comfortably snug definitely works. Too tight is a big no since the shirt will actually restrict your movement if tight enough on you. Try on different shirt sizes you already have access to in order make sure you get the right fit.
Purchasing: The price includes shipping and all indicated customizations: size, shirt color, design color, & design placement.
$24.95 US
The higher price for these shirts reflects the greater time and careful processing required to produce their designs.

Whether you are a regular gym goer, fitness enthusiast, gym rat, weightlifter, crossfitter, olympic lifter, powerlifter, or strongman GRIPLAR Liftwear grip shirts will enhance your workouts and training. Exercises will become better and your movement execution will improve because sliding on gym bench presses and machine seats will be reduced as well as the slipping out of place of squat bars and other pieces of gym gear. As well costing less than A7 Bar Grip and Roizo Gripgear.
These GRIPLAR Liftwear grip shirts provide the functional design and grip you need but also say something that represents the fortitude all gym goers, fitness enthusiasts, gym rats, weightlifters, olympic lifters, powerlifters, and strongmen have.
Screaming GET IT! at a fellow gym goer to complete a lift. The workout grimace we all get when getting a rep into completed position. Those days when the jaws of life feel like they are going to crush us whole but we deny it and fight back. And something not so dramatic, a grip shirt that allows for enhanced breath-ability via the holes of its grid pattern. These GRIPLAR Liftwear grip shirts provide the grip, functional design one demands from a grip shirt, and say something that feels like it represents you.
These GRIPLAR Liftwear grip shirt designs are each 11 inches by 8 inches. They provide grip on the upper back for bench press, squats, benches, bars, and machine seats. They allow strongman competitors to isolate that sweet spot of the middle chest for front carries and grip the yoke bar when placed on the upper back.
GRIPLAR Liftwear is property of Never Plateau and all payments are processed under the Never Plateau name via PayPal.