$31.95 US
The listed price includes shipping and all indicated customizations.
Never Plateau owns GRIPLAR and processes payment via PayPal.
Sizing: It should be a size that fits at maximum comfortable snug. Tight but not too tight is ideal and comfortably snug definitely works. Try on different shirt sizes you already have access to in order to make sure you get the right fit.
Design color is BLACK. Improved production lowered price but limited color options.

Benches: GRIPLAR Liftwear grip shirts help your legs drive your upper back into a bench better without slipping off it so you can push more power into your press.
A slippery bench is no good for balancing weight over your chest or pushing as much power as you can to your press. You want to brace your feet into the floor and push into the bench with your upper back as hard as you can. But you can't if you slip on the bench. You will compensate for this by applying less tension to your legs and torso. This decrease in tension will cause increasing instability in your press balance, peaking at full extension with lock out. Your press will feel shaky and if it does not feel balanced then you will not apply as much power to your press as you can.
GRIPLAR Liftwear grip shirts help you stay solid in place on a bench allowing you to press with all your power.
Squat: Griplar Liftwear grip shirts help keep the bar at your center of gravity better for prolonged squatting efficiency by helping to maintain proper alignment.
A bar sliding out of place after positioned over your center of gravity leads to inefficient movement which causes a decrease in performance. Sliding of the bar down your back is inevitable as you fatigue while squatting. GRIPLAR Liftwear grip shirts help keep the bar right where you initially position it over your center of gravity. Giving you less or even no slide of the bar for prolonged optimal movement efficiency. This allows you to squat at your optimal performance level for more reps or weight than without using GRIPLAR Liftwear.
Grip shirts help keep the weight accurately on top of your center of gravity so your squat movement can stay as efficient and powerful for as long as it should.
A single panel is 11 inches by 8 inches. The difference between the bench press and squat grip shirts is only the orientation of the design. For bench press it runs vertically up and down to align perfectly with a bench. For squats it goes horizontally left to right to run its greatest length on a bar. The grip benefits are achieved for each lift for both design orientations.
Whether you are a regular gym goer, fitness enthusiast, gym rat, weightlifter, crossfitter, olympic lifter, powerlifter, or strongman the GRIPLAR Liftwear grip shirt will enhance your workouts and training. Exercises will become better and your movement execution will improve because sliding on gym bench presses and machine seats will be reduced as well as the slipping out of place of squat bars and other pieces of gym gear.
GRIPLAR Liftwear vs. A7 Bar Grip and Roizo Grip Gear. The Stone Shirt was the original grip shirt (About). Eventually it evolved into the more premium GRIPLAR Liftwear brand. A minimalist retail approach allows Griplar Liftwear grip shirts to anchor a lower price than the competition's prices, A7 Bar Grip, Roizo Gripgear, etc. They also don't offer a full Money Back Guarantee unlike GRIPLAR Liftwear. Weightlifting workouts changed forever when GRIPLAR Liftwear's then Stone Shirt emerged. It paved the way for all the imitators (A7 Bar Grip, Roizo Gripgear, etc.) but make no mistake GRIPLAR Liftwear was the first.